Predict scale factors with unrivalled accuracy
A self learning intelligent system with instantly improve yields and product quality. Together with electronc data transfer between leading CAM systems and standard production machines, it's the ultimate predictive solution.
Predict material movement using a combination of materials and your processing parameters.
Using an automated engineering stack up model which gives fast, easy to use design rule check which determines accurate inner layer scale factors customised for your process and equipment.
Accurate layer scaling in seconds.
Design information is combined with measurement results and fedback to a database for adaptive tuning of the system.
Intelligent reactive control allowing the user too accurately quantify non linear registration errors and provide optimum non linear tooling compensations.
The ultimate predictive solution combining self-learning algorithms, modelling of complex material distortion predicted distortion is used to create "inverse distortion" compensation files for use with your non-linear enabled CAM systems.
Designed for HDI production at maximum yields.
Using an automated engineering stack up model which gives fast, easy to use design rule check which determines accurate inner layer scale factors customised for your equipment.
All information subject to change without notice!
For more information, visit the website or send us your information request.