Universal Grid Test System Step Testing
The LM1000 is a highly precise compact step tester for the electrical test of HDI bare boards in mass production. It’s unique concept – based on solid granite – delivers highest accuracy. Two high resolution cameras (top and bottom) scan the bare board and enable the automatic micro adjustment of the fixtures to the correct position. The dual shuttle and a dual vacuum handler – driven by fast linear motors – provide high throughput multi-tasking product handling. The machine runs either with universal fixtures up to 6.4″ x 9.6″ test area or with a dedicated fixture. This gives customer the possibility to choose the best price-performance technology for the specific application without being limited by the equipment.
- Highly precise universal step tester for testing HDI bare boards in mass production
- Customizable universal grid test area - up to 6.4" x 9.6"
- Intgrated automatic fixture alignment system (Microadjustment)
- Ready for the use with universal fixtures and dedicated fixtures
Max. Panelsize: 300mm x 300mm (11.81" x 11.81")
- Test area: 350mm x 310mm (13.8" x 12.2")
- Board thickness: 0.6mm to 3mm
- Loader capacity: 600mm
- Resolution measurement system: ± 0.1µm (± 0.004 mil)
- Mechanical accuracy: ≤ ± 5µm
- Max. test area (X x Y): 244mm x 163mm (9.6" x 6.4")
- Density: 800 test points / inch² | 35 mil
- Max. electronic contact points: 42.152 per side
- Max. test points: 24.152 per side
- Continuity test: 1Ω - 10kΩ (depends on fixture style)
- Isolation test: 100kΩ to 100MΩ )
- Isolation voltage: 35V to 250VDC
- Embedded Resistor Measurement 2-wire and 4-wire:
- 0Ω to 50kΩ
- Data input format: IPC-D-356A
- Network connection: Ethernet, TCP/IP
- Power Supply: AC 400 V [3 / N / PE AC 400 V] 50 / 60Hz
- Compressed air: connecting preassure 6 bar
- Temperature: 20°C to 26°C
- Relative humidity: 40% to 60%
- Machine weight: about 3342kg
- 4-wire measurement:
- 1mΩ to 50kΩ - Tolerance ± 2% but min. ± 2mΩ
- Measurement speed: up to 250 tests per sec with ± 2mΩ accuracy
- High density cassettes for dedicated fixture:
- Test points: up to 32.768 test points (16.384 top / 16.384 bottom)
- Max. fixture size: 250 x 160mm / 9.84" x 6.3"
- Smallest test pin: 50 µm
- Smallest pitch: 90 µm
- Cleaning Station
- Extended Inspection methods:
- Hic, MicroShort, HR MicroShort, Spark Test
- Repair software with barcode support
All information subject to change without notice!
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