Simple, affordable, efficient, reliable and consistent
Robotic Handling Equipment, free programmable in all Directions and for all Applications without Limitations.
The PeM Swan can be integrated before, behind and also in between different lines. The Swan Board Handling Robot is the most compact and flexible system of its kind. The footprint with a width of 100mm makes it suitable for every shopfloor.
The construction is designed so that identical units can be utilized for loading of any line, as well as offloading at the end of every line or integrated in between different lines (ref. 1).

ref. 1
The PeM Swan can be used with multiple docking stations from all sides, enabling the No-Limitation Functionality.
Ofcourse the Swan allows for adding and/or removing of slip-sheets. Additional Trolleys can be used for docking from other sides of the Swan. Special Sensors will control the picking of copper layers or slipsheets to secure 100% consistent material loading.

PeM Swan with left and right trolleys docked
Programs and settings can be loaded optionally by making use of Barcode and datamatrx Codes.The trolleys can be equipped with double Cassettes facing each other for economic and high efficiency usage.

Grippers automatically adjust to panelsizes
Changing in between Jobs and/or Different Materials is fast and simple. The PeM Swan is extremely user friendly and easy to operate. Limited training involved.

PeM Swan Gripper arm

For more information, visit the website or send us your information request.