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a7 schrgansicht klein 9 2012A7 – The New Flying Prober Generation:

Higher Speed & Accuracy. Less Weight of Probe Impact

atg LM is launching an entirely new flying prober generation. The double-sided test system A7 has 8 test probes and 4 high resolution XGA color cameras for the optical scanning of PCBs. 

Using modern linear drives, the A7 achieves a test speed which was unimaginable 5 years ago. The acceleration of the probes now has increased from 8 g to 20 g (20 times acceleration of gravity). Despite high deceleration forces, the extremely torsion resistant and light carbon fiber axes allow precise positioning. Minimal test structures of 35 μm can be contacted. 

The system can be equipped with various test probes. Their contacting force can be adjusted to as little as 0.2 gram

The A7 offers a variety of test options. Apart from the test of flexibleboards, the A7 focuses on the test of embedded components. Besides, passive components such as resistors, coils, capacities, diodes and varistors can be tested. The wiring test of active IC’s within the PCB is possible also.
>> Read more about A7
A5 Neo – New Entry Level Flying Probe Testera5-neo
Proven Technology, Lowest Cost of Operation

atg LM start the sale of a new version of the wellproven technology of the A5/A6 series with the A5 Neo.

The basic version of the system is equipped with a universal shuttle system with clamping and tension mode for flexible and rigid board testing and with soft touch pins reducing the witness marks on the boards.

In addition, the A5 Neo offers a variety of extensions, e.g. a Kelvin 4-wire measurement and the test of integrated components, new options such as a high voltage test up to 1000 Volt (Standard 500 Volt) and the test of integrated varistors and diodes. So the system follows the trend of higher integration in the bare board technology.

Developing the A5 Neo top priority was given to an economic and cost effective concept. So a minimum floor space and an attractive price are decisive advantages compared to the previous model.

 >> Read more about A5 Neo

About Adeon

At Adeon we believe that it is the quality of our work that placed us in our current position, and quality is what we try to improve with everything we do. European PCB manufacturers are often challenged to produce many different designs and technology levels every day. This makes it challenging to select and provide equipment that is capable of doing that. Our goal is to offer the best service and support against affordable rates to the highest standards to help our customers to stay at the forefront of technological developments.

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The Netherlands
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