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Dynachem Dry Film Lamination

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Automatic Lamination Technologies – Dynachem is an independent, privately-held company fully dedicated to designing, manufacturing, and offering high-technology equipment to the PCB, chemical milling, semiconductor, and photovoltaic industries. Automatic Lamination Technologies – Dynachem has over 40 years of proven experience supplying dry film imaging equipment, primarily with Hot Roll laminators, Vacuum Laminators, and Solder-Mask Spray coating. We have been delivering innovative industrial solutions to leading companies worldwide, ensuring maximum return on technology investment and widespread user adoption by delivering solutions tailored around processes and decision-making workflows.
Adeon Technologies is acting as Full Distribution & Service partner for the Dyachem products. Through an actively structured communication exchange, the sales and engineering activities from both companies are constantly shared in order to achieve the highest combined performance at the lowest cost for the customers.

                                                                          Auto Lam     Man Lam 

                                                                         S A Vac     In Line Vacuum

                                                                          Mylar Peeler      butto r2r 

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