CIMS AOI Systems
World Leader in Automatic Optical Inspection systems (AOI)
Turning Machine generated data into Intelligence
CIMS provides automated optical inspection solutions dedicated to enhancing production processes and yield in Printed Circuit Board (PCB), High Density Interconnect PCB (HDI PCB), Flex and Rigid-flex PCB and IC Substrates. CIMS addresses specific needs of all segments of PCB manufacturing industry with dedicated solutions based on advanced imaging and image processing technologies. CIMS solutions are applied to wide range of applications across those segments at multiple stages of PCB manufacturing process.
CIMS AOI systems provide a 100% monitoring of the production processes by means of:
- 100% independancy of CAM system type output;
- automatic conversion into proprietry datafomat from dataformats: Gerber274X, ODB++, DPF, DXF ;
- automatic analysis of the CAM datatransfer to the AOI system;
- Realtime inspecting, reporting and implementation of process improvements;
- CIMS AOI solutions parameterized the world of AOI